Fast key now have new features, u can print out receipt on handheld BLUETOOTH printer or send out SMS reply ..
Steps to download the Android fastkey module with Print & SMS feature
Click here to download Android fastkey module with SMS and Print feature
On the browser pls keyin to download android fastkey with SMS and Print feature
After installation on android phone, pls follow the instruction .
2. after fastkey download account, u are ready to input data, start with "Account" and "Page No." first
3. to save data u just keyin simply click "SAVE", and pls try all the buttons as there are many built in function to speed up input speed on the keypad prompt on IOS screen..
4. upload page would upload just selected data, pls note data could be EDITED after SAVE, and pages could be SELECTED and DESELECTED for upload
5. message would be prompted to confirm whether upload are successful or not.. if successfully uploaded, ticket amount would be shown
6. Pages would be moved from "Saved" to "Uploaded" list, click "manage" there are various function for user to clean up records or move pages from "Uploaded" back to "Saved" in order to upload again.
7. "Search" page would download remote website data to double-confirm .
Fast key now have new features, u can print out receipt on handheld BLUETOOTH printer or send out SMS reply ..
Steps to download the IOS fastkey module with Print & SMS feature
1. Open "App Store" on your IPhone or IPad and search keyword
easy_print, pls note there are one
_ keyword between "easy" and "print"
Steps to use the fastkey print/SMS feature after download
a. Pls keyin the Mobile field in the member setting page for this APP to download phone no. to SMS reply
b. this app will allow to Print out receipt or Reply to ur customer by sending out SMS
IOS Fast Key Module has following advantage
phone style button,PC Input Speed
b. after keyin records will be saved into local database , and still can be edited after saving.
c. one button upload.. simple press one button u can upload multiple pages to the website.
d. immediate confirmation.. u can search bet list to double-confirm pages u just uploaded..
3. on the
Setting Tab, keyin ur website URL and ID,Password u used to logon the website
4. after keyin the URL,ID,PWD, click "connect" button to download all the accounts under
5. after fastkey download account, u are ready to input data, start with "Account" and "Page No." first
6. to save data u just keyin simply click "SAVE", and pls try all the buttons as there are many built in function to speed up input speed on the keypad prompt on IOS screen..
7. upload page would upload just selected data, pls note data could be EDITED after SAVE, and pages could be SELECTED and DESELECTED for upload
8. message would be prompted to confirm whether upload are successful or not.. if successfully uploaded, ticket amount would be shown
9. Pages would be moved from "Saved" to "Uploaded" list, click "manage" there are various function for user to clean up records or move pages from "Uploaded" back to "Saved" in order to upload again.
10. "Search" page would download remote website data to double-confirm .
Auto-SMS module
a. u will receive confirmation from this Auto-SMS module by sending SMS to designated HP number informed by ur upline.
b. Within few seconds after sending of SMS, data would be loaded to remote website.
Before u SMS to the Phone No. dedicated, pls make sure u have register ur phone no. on the website:
Each one can register up to 3 phone no's
4D SMS text format:
2 2345 1-1
2 is daycode, could be '1','2','3','6','7'
2345 is 4D no.
1-1 is 1 big and 1 small
2 1234r 2345i 4567k 12x3g 3456 -1
add 'r','i','k','g' to the 4d no. can specify 4d Type
-1 is 1 small
2 1234 1-1 3343 2-2
1234 1 big and 1 small
3343 2 big and 2 small
2 1234 h-1 3456 q 8448 1h 3848 1q-2
1234 0.5 big and 1 small
3456 0.25 big
8448 1.5 big
3848 1.25 big and 2 small
if u r agent and sending SMS for downline account, pls include the account name
e.g. following SMS have "t501"(account name) right after day code "2"
2 t501 1234 1-1
toto SMS text format:
1 2345 +1
1 is daycode, could be '1','4'
2345 is toto no, bet on 23 , 45 two number
+1 means tkt amt 1
1 020304/ 030405/2 04051123/3 0215tt +1
add '/','/2','/3','tt' to the end of toto no. can specify toto Type
+1 is tkt amt 1
4 02 +1 0214 +2
02 tkt amt 1
02,14 tkt amt 2
4 B +1 MM +2
B tkt amt 1
MM tkt amt 2
to differentiate toto number and tkt amt, all tkt amt need to add "+", e.g. "+2" are tkt amt 2
if u r agent and sending SMS for downline account, pls include the account name
e.g. following SMS have "t501"(account name) right after day code "1"
1 t501 02 +1
use ur handphone to surf this web page, not just smartphone can access this page but also those Symbian phone like NOKIA
1. open ur handphone browser to keyin the URL
2. After keyin username and password and click "Logon" u will c the menu
use ur handphone to surf this web page, Smartphone like IPhone,IPad,Samsung will have better access
1. open ur handphone browser to keyin the URL
2. After keyin username and password and click "Logon" u will c the menu